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Neurology 52 in 52, Series I
2021 - 2022

With the help of our faculty, we have compiled a list of ~52 “seminal” articles in Neurology, spanning all sub-specialties, that have shaped the way we manage/treat neurological conditions.  Each week, we will be sending out an original article and a summary of the article created by us residents for residents.  Articles and article summaries for the first "series" (2021 - 2022 academic year) are listed below.



Week 1 - Summary  |  Article

The original TPA article from the NINDS TPA study group (NEJM 1995)


Week 2 - Summary  |  Article

White matter brain lesions and subclinical brain infarcts in patients with migraine (JAMA 2004) 


Week 3 - Summary  |  Article

The ELLDOPA trial for Parkinson's Disease (NEJM 2004)


Week 4 - Summary  Article

IFN-beta therapy for MS (CHAMPS trial) (NEJM 2000)


Week 5 - Summary  Article

IIH treatment trial (JAMA 2014)


Week 6 - Summary  Article

Comparison of 4 therapies for the initial treatment of generalized convulsive status epilepticus (NEJM 1998)


Week 7 - Summary  Article

RAMPART trial to compare efficacy of IM midazolam vs IV lorazepam for out of hospital treatment of status epilepticus (NEJM 2012)


Week 8 - Summary  Article

WAKE UP trial to show how MRI can identify patients eligible for tPA who would otherwise be outside the time window (NEJM 2018)


Week 9 - Summary  |  Article

MR CLEAN to show benefit of thrombectomy initiated within 6 hours for large vessel occlusions (NEJM 2015)


Week 10 - Summary  Article

DAWN trial to show that mechanical thrombectomy can be feasible up to 24hrs after stroke symptoms onset (NEJM 2018)


Week 11 - Summary  Article

ESETT trial comparing the efficacy of 3 anti-seizure medications for refractory status epilepticus : levetiracetam, fosphenytoin, and valproate (NEJM 2019)


Week 12 - Summary  Article

Utility of Rivastigmine for the treatment of dementia associated with Parkinson's disease (NEJM 2004)


Week 13 - Summary  Article

Optic neuritis treatment trial (NEJM 1992)


Week 14 - Summary  Article

Follow up study to the ONTT on 5 year MS risk (Neurology 1997)


Week 15 - Summary  Article

Radiation vs. radiation + chemotherapy for supratentorial low grade gliomas in adults (J. Clinical Oncology 2012)


Week 16 - Summary  Article

Early study on the epidemiology of migraine (Headache 2006)


Week 17 - Summary  Article

Comparing the efficacy of IVIG vs PLEX for acute treatment of GBS (NEJM 1992)


Week 18 - Summary  Article

Early surgical vs non-surgical management for patients with acute ICH (STICH II Trial) (Lancet 2013)


Week 19 - Summary  Article

Decompressive surgery on survival and functional outcome in patients with malignant MCA infarcts (Lancet 2007)


Week 20 - Summary  Article

Descriptive case series of late-life migraine accompaniments (historical article from CM Fisher, 1980)


Week 21 - Summary  |  Article

Randomized Delayed-Start Trial of Levodopa in Parkinson's Disease (NEJM 2019)


Week 22 - Summary  |  Article

Multiple Sclerosis Risk After Optic Neuritis: Final Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial Follow Up (Arch Neurol 2008)


Week 23 - Summary  |  Article

The Fellow Eye in NAION: report from the ischemic optic neuropathy decompression trial follow up study (Am J of Ophthal 2002)


Week 24 - Summary  |  Article

Detection of electrographic seizures with continuous EEG monitoring in critically-ill patients (Neurology 2004)


Week 25 - Summary  |  Article

The SANAD study of effectiveness of valproate, lamotrigine, or topiramate for generalized and unclassifiable epilepsy (Lancet 2007)


Week 26 - Summary  |  Article

IVIG for the treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial (Lancet 2008)


Week 27 - Summary  |  Article

Thrombolytic removal of intraventricular hemorrhage in treatment of severe stroke: results of the CLEAR III trial (Lancet 2017)


Week 28 - Summary  |  Article

An Evidence-based Causative Classification System for Acute Ischemic Stroke (Ann Neurology 2005)


Week 29 - Summary  |  Article

A serum autoantibody marker of neuromyelitis optica: distinction from multiple sclerosis (Lancet 2004)


Week 30 - Summary  |  Article

Pimavanserin for patients with Parkinson's disease psychosis: a randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial (Lancet 2014)


Week 31 - Summary  |  Article

Radiation plus Procarbazine, CCNU, and Vincristine in Low-Grade Glioma (NEJM 2016)


Week 32 - Summary  |  Article

Teprotumumab for the Treatment of Active Thyroid Eye Disease (NEJM 2020)


Week 33 - Summary  |  Article

A double-blind, delayed-start trial of Rasagiline in Parkinson's Disease (NEJM 2009)


Week 34 - Summary  |  Article

Repetitive intravenous dihydroergotamine as therapy for intractable migraine (Neurology 1986)


Week 35 - Summary  |  Article

Immediate vs deferred anti-epileptic drug treatment for early epilepsy and single seizures: a randomized controlled trial (Lancet 2005)


Week 36 - Summary  |  Article

Effect of oral nimodipine on cerebral infarction and outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage: British aneurysm nimodipine trial (BMJ 1989)


Week 37 - Summary  |  Article

The SANAD study of effectiveness of carbamezepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, or topiramate for treatment of partial epilepsy (Lancet 2007)


Week 38 - Summary  |  Article

Triptans in migraine: detailed results and methods of a meta-analysis of 53 trials (Cephalalgia 2002)


Week 39 - Summary  |  Article

Phase 2 Study of a Temozolomide-Based Chemoradiation Therapy Regimen for High-Risk, Low Grade Gliomas (Int J Radiation Oncol 2020)


Week 40 - Summary  |  Article

Clopidogrel with Aspirin in Acute Minor Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (NEJM 2013)


Week 41 - Summary  |  Article

A controlled trial of Riluzole in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (NEJM 1994)


Week 42 - Summary  |  Article

A Randomized Trial of Deep-Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease (NEJM 2006)


Week 43 - Summary  |  Article

Fetal anti-epileptic drug exposure and cognitive outcomes at age 6 years (NEAD study): a prospective observational study (Lancet Neurol 2013)


Week 44 - Summary  |  Article

Barrow Ruptured Aneurysm Trial (J. Neurosurg 2012)


Week 45 - Summary  |  Article

Early Identification of Refractory Epilepsy (NEJM 2000)


Week 46 - Summary  |  Article

Randomized trial of Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis (NEJM 2016)


Week 47 - Summary  |  Article

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Surgery for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (NEJM 2001)



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